
タグを絞り込む : monthly

This page describes the instructions to download J-OFURO3 data set.


All publicly available data sets can be downloaded from some data repositories.
You can download our data set and use it freely. The data set has an open data policy (CC-BY-4.0).


Data files provided by J-OFURO3 are grouped by variable name (VAR), temporal resolution (TR), spatial resolution code (SR), dataset version code (VER), and year (YYYY). Data files are named under the following rules.


VAR: variable name
VER: version code(ex. Vm.n)
TR: temporal resolution(DAILY /  MONTHLY / CLM)
SR: spatial grid(HR: 0.25 degree grid  or LR: 1.0 degree grid)
YYYY: four-digit year(e.g., 2013 )

Data file format is a self-descriptive netCDF. File extension is ”.nc”.
You can use the netCDF files by an analysis software (e.g., GrADS; Ferret)


Dataset may be updated irregularly for reasons such as bug fixes. Every file released will have a version code (VER) attached, which manages the variation of the data provided. Data download site will always have the latest version of data available, and older versions will not be available unless there is a specific reason to do so. The latest dataset at the time of this writing is V1.1.

Please pay attention to the version of the dataset if you use our data files.


The data files for DAILY, HR:  approximately 1.5GB/year(compressed file 750MB/year)


All data files are available at the following data repositories.




If you are using the J-OFURO3 dataset for your research, please cite the following paper.

An introduction to J-OFURO3, a third-generation Japanese ocean flux data set using remote-sensing observations
Authors: Hiroyuki Tomita, Tsutomu Hihara, Shin’ichiro Kako, Masahisa Kubota, Kunio Kutsuwada
Journal: Journal of Oceanography (2019) 75:171-194
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-018-0493-x


If you are using or considering using the J-OFURO3 dataset, contact us using this form for any questions regarding the data. Please let us know if you find any problems and issues over the use of the dataset, or have comments you would like to share with us. Information and opinions we receive will be utilized for future versions of the dataset.

J-OFURO3 data availablity has been updated.

Previously, the dataset of 18 years from 1996 to 2013 has been provided, but now the data for 8 years from 1988 to 1995 have been added. Therefore, J-OFURO3 dataset of 26 years from 1988 to 2013 *1is available now.

Moreover, freshwater flux data has beed added.*2, 4
Information about known problems in our dataset was also public along with this update.*3

*1: For wind vector and wind stress data are only available since 1991 when data form satellite microwave scatterometer are available.
*2: only available for 1 degree grid data (LR) of monthly mean
*3: https://j-ofuro.scc.u-tokai.ac.jp/en/dataset/entry-294.html
*4: We have fixed the issue on FTP download (2018-06-01).

This page explains known problems in our dataset.
Please be careful when you use our dataset for your study.
And if you know about other problems, please let me know.

Problems in V1.0

VariableVersionProblemReason and fix plan
V1.0Extremely large wind values (e.g., > 30 m/s) or zero value are occasionally found in the near coastal and sea ice regions.A technical problems in data processing procedure. It will be fixed in the next data update.
V1.0Data availability near sea ice regions is different year to year.The reason is a problem in our data processing program code about sea ice flags for SSMI and SSMIS brightness temperature. We will fix this issue by the next data update.
V1.0Artificial distribution depending on water vapor scale height (Hv)This is because of a minor problem in our Qa estimation method. It will be fixed to use a latest and fixed version by the next data update.
V1.0Extremely large values (e.g., > 40 deg. C) are occasionally found in the near coastal region.A technical problems in data processing procedure. It will be fixed in the next data update.

New information on J-OFURO3 data set.

In addition to the daily mean data set, the monthly mean data set are available now.
Daily mean data set for some variables, which was not available, are also public now.

You can check information about our data set from here.