Data set

Official information on J-OFURO3 data set

This page explains known problems in our dataset.
Please be careful when you use our dataset for your study.
And if you know about other problems, please let me know.

Problems in V1.0

VariableVersionProblemReason and fix plan
V1.0Extremely large wind values (e.g., > 30 m/s) or zero value are occasionally found in the near coastal and sea ice regions.A technical problems in data processing procedure. It will be fixed in the next data update.
V1.0Data availability near sea ice regions is different year to year.The reason is a problem in our data processing program code about sea ice flags for SSMI and SSMIS brightness temperature. We will fix this issue by the next data update.
V1.0Artificial distribution depending on water vapor scale height (Hv)This is because of a minor problem in our Qa estimation method. It will be fixed to use a latest and fixed version by the next data update.
V1.0Extremely large values (e.g., > 40 deg. C) are occasionally found in the near coastal region.A technical problems in data processing procedure. It will be fixed in the next data update.