Data set

Official information on J-OFURO3 data set

A list of variables defined in J-OFURO3

Public status:
 public: O
 not-public: X
 public in future:-

Variable nameDescriptionUnitData source
estimation method
Public status
LHFlatent heat flux *1W/m2COARE 3.0O
SHFsensible heat flux *1W/m2COARE 3.0O
SWRnet shortwave radiation flux *1W/m2CERES and ISCCP with CSFO
LWRnet longwave radiation flux *1W/m2ULWR + DLWRO
NHFnet heat flux *1W/m2SWR + LWR + LHF + SHFO
ULWRupward longwave radiation fluxW/m2Calculated from SST-
DLWRdownward longwave radiation fluxW/m2CERES and ISCCP with CSF-
TAUXzonal component of momentum fluxN/m2COARE 3.0O
TAUYmeridional component of momentum fluxN/m2COARE 3.0O
FWFfreshwater fluxmm/dayEVAP - RAINO
EVAPevaporationmm/daycalculated from SST and LHF-
SSTsea surface temperaturedeg.Censemble median based on multiple global sea surface temperature productsO
WNDsurface scalar wind speed(at 10m height)m/smultiple microwave radiometers and scatterometersO
UWNDzonal component of surface wind vectors(at 10m height)m/smultiple microwave radiometers and scatterometersO
VWNDmeridional component of surface wind vectors(at 10m height)m/smultiple microwave radiometers and scatterometersO
QAsurface air specific humidity (at 10m height)g/kgmultiple satellite microwave radiometersO
QSsaturated surface specific humidityg/kgcalculated from SSTO
DQhumidity differenceg/kgQS - QAO
TA10air temperature(at 10m height)deg.Cair temperature at 2m height, TA2M in NCEP/DOE Reanalysis (NCEP2)O
DTtemperature differencedeg.CSST - TA10O

*1: positive upward