J-OFURO3 Variables
A list of variables defined in J-OFURO3
Public status:
public: O
not-public: X
public in future:-
Variable name | Description | Unit | Data source estimation method | Public status |
LHF | latent heat flux *1 | W/m2 | COARE 3.0 | O |
SHF | sensible heat flux *1 | W/m2 | COARE 3.0 | O |
SWR | net shortwave radiation flux *1 | W/m2 | CERES and ISCCP with CSF | O |
LWR | net longwave radiation flux *1 | W/m2 | ULWR + DLWR | O |
NHF | net heat flux *1 | W/m2 | SWR + LWR + LHF + SHF | O |
ULWR | upward longwave radiation flux | W/m2 | Calculated from SST | - |
DLWR | downward longwave radiation flux | W/m2 | CERES and ISCCP with CSF | - |
TAUX | zonal component of momentum flux | N/m2 | COARE 3.0 | O |
TAUY | meridional component of momentum flux | N/m2 | COARE 3.0 | O |
FWF | freshwater flux | mm/day | EVAP - RAIN | O |
EVAP | evaporation | mm/day | calculated from SST and LHF | - |
RAIN | precipitation | mm/day | GPCP | - |
SST | sea surface temperature | deg.C | ensemble median based on multiple global sea surface temperature products | O |
WND | surface scalar wind speed(at 10m height) | m/s | multiple microwave radiometers and scatterometers | O |
UWND | zonal component of surface wind vectors(at 10m height) | m/s | multiple microwave radiometers and scatterometers | O |
VWND | meridional component of surface wind vectors(at 10m height) | m/s | multiple microwave radiometers and scatterometers | O |
QA | surface air specific humidity (at 10m height) | g/kg | multiple satellite microwave radiometers | O |
QS | saturated surface specific humidity | g/kg | calculated from SST | O |
DQ | humidity difference | g/kg | QS - QA | O |
TA10 | air temperature(at 10m height) | deg.C | air temperature at 2m height, TA2M in NCEP/DOE Reanalysis (NCEP2) | O |
DT | temperature difference | deg.C | SST - TA10 | O |
*1: positive upward