The research project J-OFURO uses results from other scientific researches, projects, and datasets for the development, construction, and validation of J-OFURO3 data set. Moreover, part of research and project was supported by JAXA, KAKENHI, IORD/Tokai University, ISEE, Nagoya University. We would appreciate all of these with the following list.
Datasets and program used in J-OFURO3
Program code for air-sea flux | Dr. Christopher W. Fairall (NOAA) |
Brightness temperature data from DMSP/SSMI and SSMI series | Remote Sensing Systems |
Brightness temperature data from Aqua/AMSR-E and GCOM-W/AMSR2 | JAXA EORC |
Brightness temperature data from TRMM/TMI | NASA |
Gridded data of columnar water vapor from satellite microwave radiometers | Remote Sensing Systems |
Gridded data of surface wind speed from satellite microwave radiometers | Remote Sensing Systems |
Surface wind vector data from QuikSCAT/SeaWinds | PO.DAAC NASA/JPL |
Surface wind vector data from ASCAT | PO.DAAC NASA/JPL |
Surface wind vector data from OSCAT | PO.DAAC NASA/JPL |
Satellite global precipitation dataset | JAXA Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation(GSMaP)Project |
Satellite global precipitation dataset | NASA/GSFC Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) |
Global sea surface temperature data | JMA Merged satellite and in situ data Global Daily Sea Surface Temperatures (MGDSST) |
Global sea surface temperature data | UKMO Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) |
Global sea surface temperature data | Tohoku University |
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from microwave radiometers | Remote Sensing Systems |
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from GCOM-W/AMSR2 | JAXA EORC |
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from GPM/GMI | JAXA EORC |
Satellite-base surface radiation dataset | NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) |
Satellite-base surface radiation dataset | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) |
Data used for validation of J-OFURO3
in situ surface moored buoy data: TAO, PIRATA, KEO, PAPA and more | NOAA PMEL |
in situ surface moored buoy data: TRITON, JKEO | JAMSTEC |
in situ surface moored buoy data: data from buoys in mid and high latitude regions | NDBC |
in situ surface moored buoy data:data around Japan | JMA |
Supports/Research funds (in recent years)
KAKENHI | A study toward the comprehensive understanding of satellite air-sea freshwater flux and surface salinity (in Japanese) | PI: Hiroyuki Tomita | 2014-2017 |
JAXA GCOM | Construction of validation system for AMSR2 ocean product (in Japanese) | PI: Hiroyuki Tomita | 2014-2016 |
IORD Tokai University | Construction and analysis of global and long-term air-sea turbulent heat flux dataset (in Japanese) | PI: Prof. Kunio Kutsuwada | 2016- |
Nagoya University ISEE | Construction of global surface wind vector dataset using multi-satellite observation data (in Japanese) | Shin'ichiro Kako | 2016- |
Supports/Research funds (in previous years)