
Information on J-OFURO project

The research project J-OFURO uses results from other scientific researches, projects, and datasets for the development, construction, and validation of J-OFURO3 data set. Moreover, part of research and project was supported by JAXA, KAKENHI, IORD/Tokai University, ISEE, Nagoya University. We would appreciate all of these with the following list.

Datasets and program used in J-OFURO3

Program code for air-sea fluxDr. Christopher W. Fairall (NOAA)
Brightness temperature data from DMSP/SSMI and SSMI seriesRemote Sensing Systems
Brightness temperature data from Aqua/AMSR-E and GCOM-W/AMSR2JAXA EORC
Brightness temperature data from TRMM/TMINASA
Gridded data of columnar water vapor from satellite microwave radiometersRemote Sensing Systems
Gridded data of surface wind speed from satellite microwave radiometersRemote Sensing Systems
Surface wind vector data from QuikSCAT/SeaWindsPO.DAAC NASA/JPL
Surface wind vector data from ASCATPO.DAAC NASA/JPL
Surface wind vector data from OSCATPO.DAAC NASA/JPL
Satellite global precipitation datasetJAXA Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation(GSMaP)Project
Satellite global precipitation datasetNASA/GSFC Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP)
Global sea surface temperature dataJMA Merged satellite and in situ data Global Daily Sea Surface Temperatures (MGDSST)
Global sea surface temperature dataUKMO Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA)
Global sea surface temperature dataTohoku University
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from microwave radiometersRemote Sensing Systems
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from GCOM-W/AMSR2JAXA EORC
Gridded satellite sea surface temperature data from GPM/GMIJAXA EORC
Satellite-base surface radiation datasetNASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)
Satellite-base surface radiation datasetInternational Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)

Data used for validation of J-OFURO3

in situ surface moored buoy data: TAO, PIRATA, KEO, PAPA and moreNOAA PMEL
in situ surface moored buoy data: TRITON, JKEOJAMSTEC
in situ surface moored buoy data: data from buoys in mid and high latitude regionsNDBC
in situ surface moored buoy data:data around JapanJMA

Supports/Research funds (in recent years)

KAKENHIA study toward the comprehensive understanding of satellite air-sea freshwater flux and surface salinity (in Japanese)PI: Hiroyuki Tomita2014-2017
JAXA GCOMConstruction of validation system for AMSR2 ocean product (in Japanese)PI: Hiroyuki Tomita2014-2016
IORD Tokai UniversityConstruction and analysis of global and long-term air-sea turbulent heat flux dataset (in Japanese)PI: Prof. Kunio Kutsuwada2016-
Nagoya University
Construction of global surface wind vector dataset using multi-satellite observation data (in Japanese)Shin'ichiro Kako2016-

Supports/Research funds (in previous years)

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